Sunday, January 30, 2011

LDS 24 hour Film Festival

For the last nine years the LDS Film Festival has held a 24 hour film competition.
The basic idea is you have twenty-four hours (from 10:00 A.M. Friday to 10:00 A.M. Saturday ) to write, shoot, edit, score, and turn in a three minute film.

The Rules Are:
1. You can only have five people in your group total (meaning only 5 people to act as your cast AND your crew).
2. You must use the given theme, prop, and line of dialog in your film (Our theme was generosity, our prop was a dollar bill, and the line of dialog was "What more can...").
3. Your film can only be three minutes in length.

Anyway, my group entered and won this year!

It was a wonderful feeling to meet so many talented individuals and to walk away with our heads held high.

So, without further ado I give you our short film...
(NOTE: Remember we only had 24 hours to make this, so please forgive some of our editing and continuity errors)


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